
Oh Hi, Haven't We Met Before?


11-03-2014, 07:24 PM

Oh Bass... there was a brute that Allen definitely respected. His nature was so kind, yet there was little doubt to the calico man's mind that if there were ever an issue the Destruction male would be no pushover. The older brute would smile more widely, his eyes shining some. "The rank of a messenger indeed, though as my beloved Nona seems to be informing me I'll double as a nurse as well." Certainly not as experienced as a normal healer, though he worried about the duties falling solely upon Nona's shoulders, and he was more than willing to help her with the workload. Healing knowledge was definitely something worth knowing regardless of rank, and considering her rank up, well, he expected her to only be busier with it. He was happy for her accomplishments, that she was recognized by Bass to go to the next level. Who knew? Perhaps before long she would hold the highest healing rank within Abaven.

As for him, well, being a messenger, memorizing things... he could do one as more of a needed basis, while keeping up training of course, and then help Nona when he wasn't focused on that. Surely that would be acceptable? There was something else on Allen's mind as well, a scent that he had noticed as the three of them stood there talking. He would gently press into Nona, motioning in the direction of Abaven. "Say Bass... does my nose deceive me? Or has Quelt beat me to the punch of returning to Abaven?" If so, well, it seemed the gods were having a good ol' laugh in the irony department.

"Speech", 'Thought'