
Gods guide us [Pantheon "claiming"]



7 Years
11-03-2014, 07:41 PM
Natalya listened as the rest of the pack arrived, settling in around them before Helios spoke. He bestowed the rankings with a swiftness she appreciated, as there was much to be done before they were truly settled. When he spoke the names of the traitors, she felt a slight aching in her heart - for Apollo, her son, who would never be welcome at their side again, and for Solo, a boy she had previously admired now failed in proving he was worthy of betrothal to their kin.

It seemed that since Helios had covered the technical details of their move, she would deliver the rest. She straightened as he finished speaking, preparing to deliver her information in the authoritative voice she had tucked away when their lands were lost. "Though one of the lands of our previous home was ripe for the taking, we chose to relocate here. It was not a matter of convenience, as I'm sure you all noticed on the journey. In order to reach us by land, one must travel between Arcanum and the ravine, then through the dangerous marsh and over our small space between the rivers. The difficult others will have in this is only one of the reasons we chose to settle on this peninsula.

The other reasons are based on ensuring that our wolves are the strongest, fittest wolves in the land. The strip provides an ideal location for training based on its terrain and weather patterns. Hunting is purposely difficult in our area - antistrategoi may either learn to hunt the birds, cross our lands to the marsh to seek prey there, or attempt the swim to Silver Island off our southern shore. The only other option is to journey to safer, neutral lands far outside our territory, which will require a larger group to bring the kills back. Fishing is, of course, an option, but it will only sustain us at the very minimum.
" Natalya paused, listening for any reactions. She knew the pack may not be pleased with this, but she needed to ensure that they were strong. She would leave announcing the use of the other island for another time.

She continued in a slightly softer voice. "We will begin with a brief training for the children in a few days time, which I will host and you all are welcome to assist with. We will also be hosting a gathering for the wolves of this continent, to celebrate the marriage of Phoebe and Conan. During this event we will arrange marriages, work on alliances, and, most important of all, participate in a hunt with our guests. This should bring in enough food for a feast, with some left over to sustain us for the time being while we become comfortable with hunting in the region.

I would like to discuss plans for the festival with Hani and Phoebe in a few moments, but otherwise please take this opportunity to bring up any concerns, ideas, or thoughts you have before we take some time to settle into our new Pantheon home.

"Burn Baby Burn"