

Nocturne I


4 Years
11-03-2014, 08:26 PM

In the middle of the night, when the angels S C R E A M

A shudder from the cold rolled down her bodice, her banner puffing up as far as it could. It weaved between her bones and joints, a frozen apocalypse coming onto the two in the night. Peridot gems reflected the flurries of snow swirling around and around, a tornado of winds spiraling upward in frezy, then suddenly dispersing in beautiful rhythm. Her figure was kept relaxed, though her muscles were tensed and burning like a live wire, in case this male would try to play nice then strike when she wasn't looking. Though it bugged her thoughts that why hadn't he done the latter before his galactic presence had been noticed with simple voice, heard over the screams of angels. Peridot jewels drifted from the ice as she repositioned herself, looking just a bit off from the male, but still yet letting her face show a bit. A smile curled her features, as the brute's voice echoed about once more, reverberating around in her bones. Ivories flashed in a bit of a goofy grin before inky lips would shade them once more, sound emerging from her vocal cords. "But there's always something deadly in something beautiful." Her lyrics were soft-spoken, but not dripped in honey and spice, but harsh and clear, a brilliant note in the air.

Absently, she would allow her gaze to drift from the dancing creatures beneath the ice, obviously bored of their continuous motion. It was indeed beautiful, but arguably, it got old fast. Her banner swayed, her haunches elongating as she stood, stretching the cold from her bones. "In both ways, I could live with." A smile coiled her features, yet it quickly faded as another howling wind blew through her pelt, capturing her breath with it, fogging in the air with crystalline sparks. The ebony and peach male would introduce himself, and no sense being rude. His surname sounded similar to the first part of her own double-barreled surname. Illum and Illiadis. "Nocturne Illum-Abyssus the Second. I don't really care much for being official and regal, so you can just call me Nocturne, or Nocty really."