
Brokering deals

Rune I


5 Years
11-03-2014, 11:03 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had managed to slip away. Of course she had, Rune was not on top of his game presently. His wounds on his neck had needed to be tended to by his daughter to stave off infection and even now moving his neck too much caused pain to flare up along the wounds his father had left behind from their fight. Even the bruising on his chest was irritating in its own way, creating a dull ache with every step he made. It made him slow as he tried to find his little mate, though after realizing that she was no longer within the pack's territory but beyond he knew he was in trouble.

Pushing himself, he left the safety and confinement of Secretua and followed after her, unsurprised but also anxious when he realized where it was she was headed. Her trail went westward, toward the place his nephews had been taken away to, and knowing what waited there for her once she arrived made him move as swiftly as he as able.

He was grateful when he finally reached the location she was at, though dread crawled and settled sickeningly within his stomach when he saw who she was with. There, standing across from his timid little mate, was a grey woman whose confidence was palpable, who seemed absolutely too comfortable in comparison to Alamea. There, behind her, sat his father, the expression about his face causing the dark furs along the back of his neck to rise warily. And, coming along with a nervous look, was Amarant, sticking close to Kylar as if he was someone who could be trusted to protect the poor youth. A part of him wanted to dart right past them all to his nephew and sweep him away, as futile as it might have been, but this was not his endeavor. It was Alamea's.

Though he glared at his father and the Arcanum leader and bit back a growl that threatened to rumble within his chest, Rune made himself move to stand close beside his petite mate with forced calm, feeling rigid and ready to jump to the defense of either of his family members if the need presented itself. Still recovering or not, he had already forgotten about those injuries and could only think of defending those who he knew needed it.