
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
11-04-2014, 12:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Again her answer seemed to be enough for her company, and again Anais was grateful. As much of a relief it would have been to get the whole of the story off of her chest, it was simply not a tale she was keen on revisiting with a stranger. A part of her wanted to bring it up with Nako as he always seemed to provide a good listening ear when she needed it and never appeared to judge her for her actions or opinions. But she had also seen how he and every other member of her family had reacted, and she really did not want to bring back any of those protective, stifling emotions.

From what seemed like out of the blue to the grey-gold girl, the other female rose and began to walk away, leaving her younger companion staring on in confusion. Was that it? Did she no longer wish to keep the conversation going with her anymore? Maybe it was because she had been so reluctant to say anything... But no, Sakura only traveled a short distance before she reclined again, taking a seat beside a large puddle that had been left over by the storm. A quick order and a curious question were offered, and with her brows furrowing in puzzlement, Anais got to her paws and wandered closer.

What did she see? The puddle, of course. It was still and quiet and mostly shallow, though it was to be expected as the storm was well and truly gone and the sunshine had only just begun to return and drive it away. The only other thing she could reasonably see was herself as well as her companion, their mirrored reflections staring back at her from the mostly flat surface of the puddle. "I see us," she answered simply, feeling as if she might have somehow answered wrong but unsure how she could have answered right. It was true, they were both there on the surface of the puddle. What else was she supposed to see?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.