Pox Rotten Antelope
11-04-2014, 12:26 AM
She couldn't help feeling miserable, she couldn't stand the way her body was changing around her without her express permission. She had always kept herself fit and now suddenly she was running wildly out of control. Oh, she couldn't forget the way Shai had been with her and she knew, deep beneath her anger that this was all her fought, she had sought him out and asked for him, she hadn't asked for this but she had asked for him. However, she wasn't feeling very understanding and logical wasn't going to make a dent through her fire. The temper she had always held deep within was burning and boiling up around the edges uncontrollably. She stayed by the water, even knowing that she would be racing for the trees in a matter of minutes to pee out her guts. Honestly, it was like her bladder had morphed into the size of a pee.
Sighing in frustration she slipped herself down beside the water, watching the dancing reflections of the sun upon its surface and attempting to let it mesmerise and distract her. She wouldn't hear the approach of her sister immediately, but she honestly shouldn't be surprised that the brown girl would come right to the centre of the source of misery. She would twitch slightly in surprise when a nudge came at her from behind, groaning as she heaved her weight to look behind her and see the warm eyes of her blue orbed sibling. ?Hey sis, i'm feeding for a family and being eaten away at the insides as they take control over my body. Hows your day?? she asked, equally as sweetly.