


05-21-2013, 12:59 PM

Desdemona had never been crafted to be a ruler, she had been raised to become a mindless killing machine, and as such she had. Brutal, powerful, ruthless, she had been a demon bathed in ivory, at one point her fur had been stained a soft pink for the utter amount of blood that had resided within its heavy fur. She was the perfect mercenary, ruthless, massive, uncaring, her body weight alone could send someone sprawling across the ground. She had retired that life, she chose not to linger in the coming madness, but that didn't mean she had forgotten. That monster, that entity still lingered in the darkest recesses of her mind, inhabited a few of the cells that beat through her body. A steady war drum that beat in the back of her skull, reminding her of its presence, reminding her of that madness that threatened to consume her, should she tempt it... Desdemona merely had a stronger will.

She was unaware what this position would bring her. What kind of ruler would she be? fair and just? Seeking peace? Or would the power eventually go to her head, manipulating her into a blood thirsty tyrant? Would she take Valhalla to war or sign a treaty of an agreement? Who knew? Desdemona was a creature of many inter-locking layers and it was difficult to pull them all apart. The woman would speak and Desdemona would dip her head, agreeing with the fast assessment of Kaien. He hadn't been prepared to run Tortuga, or maybe he had and just didn't care enough to do so.

"Ah but I have wolves to make impressions on. He's buried in the battlefield proper, I'm sure some scavenger will find him a tasty treat." Desdemona'a tones were quiet but a hint of something sinister tickled in the back of her throat. This woman was dangerous to her. She brought out sides to Desdemona that should be buried beneath the refuse of the past. This blood lust... it wasn't good for her, it wasn't. She didn't want to become that creature again. Demonio, if no one else, deserved more from her.

Her ears flickered forward at the next word, a slow, gentle smile drifting across her maw, at the powerful opinion, Desdemona, rightly agreed with such a thing, hence Grinner's new rank. Desdemona would be fair, but she believed in justice, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. "My dear, my very first decision was to add a new rank to Tortuga. Anubi, or thus I am calling it, a specialized executioner who specializes in torture. Respect will be demanded or a date with my Anubi they will have." There were very few things Desdemona would expect from her pack but both of those traits would be enforced.

The ivory woman would chuckle at Fetisha's wiry answer and her muscles would relax, amusement brimming in the depths of her two-toned gaze. The scrawny thing had a sense of humor as well? How intriguing. "Bacteria or no... it still leaves a nasty scar." The chortle would leave her larynx, along with the jest. At her acceptance, her willingness to see Tortuga and all of its changes, Desdemona would dip her head, rising back up onto her four limbs and craning her head, motioning for the woman to join her. She allowed the elder to set the pace. Desdemona was in no rush. "As I said before you are welcome to Tortuga, is there anything you wish to ask me about it?" She had changed much, the woman would need to be filled in.
