
I'M SO FAT D: {Secretua}

Eirik I


3 Years
11-04-2014, 12:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Technically he should have been out patrolling with someone else. They were supposed to be conducted in pairs just in case trouble was met somewhere along the border, but things had been relatively quiet ever since the storm had settled. Too quiet, he knew, but he tried not to think about the two Secretua Youths who had been taken away. No, if he did, he was going to get upset all over again and be of no use to his home. He knew his father was recovering and was still dead set on getting them back, so it was something Eirik need not worry himself about. And to keep that worry at bay he was out here in the Prairie, walking around...with nothing but his thoughts.

Or maybe not entirely. A voice called from within the border, full of frustration, and the boy paused his listless pace to lift his head and look more pointedly into the pack lands. Was someone in trouble? But...the call had not sounded like someone in pain. Just someone fed up with whatever had caused them to yell out in the first place. Eirik's rosy pink eyes glanced once at the empty, quiet border he had been walking before he turned and set his dark paws drifting further within Secretua. Maybe he would be of more use with this aggravated Secretuan than he would here alone.

It took a little time to find her there within the grasses. Akemi was so small that from her sprawled position on the ground she was all but lost from sight. It took Eirik catching her scent and trailing it very closely for him to finally stumble across her, almost literally. The pale grey boy stopped short, however, and suddenly felt embarrassed. If she had been hiding like this, maybe the pregnant lady who had recently joined did not want to be found for a while. "I'm sorry," he muttered, drawing a hesitant step back and away, "I just...heard you call out." He glanced between her and the little creature that sat atop her, wondering how much help he was going to be after all. "Are you okay?"