

Katja the First


8 Years
11-04-2014, 01:54 PM

The viking is steady despite the adrenaline and rage, balanced despite the feral darkness burning through her. She keeps her injured right paw tucked up off the ground - it's usefulness for balance is outweighed for the moment by the distraction the pain would cause if it touched the ground - but her weight is spread evenly over the remaining three limbs, her tripod stance widened to compensate for the balance loss, the three paws spread with the blunt claws gripping the earth with force, her tail up at the level of her spine to assist. In the moments before she prepares to push with her shoulder, her head is held down level with her spine, her shoulders rolled toward it to bunch up her scruff and her hackles bristled as her ears pinned back against her skull. Her eyes are narrowed, the wound on her face pulling painfully as the skin of her brow bunches and crinkles in a snarl, added protection for the delicate gold-flecked orbs of her eyes.

Pain drives the breath from her lungs as Virgil slams against her, and Katja instinctively curls around the blow, her spine curving to move her rib cage away from the pressure. The blow has already landed, damage already done, but lessened as the movement lessened some of the momentum. Her own blow has struck but she hardly registers it - the very nature of her shoving with her shoulder did not cause damage to herself so it hardly matters to her - and she simply pulls her right foreleg higher, tucking it against her chest when Virgil attempts to pin it again, as she takes stock of her injury. Bruising the width of a spread paw over a slightly cracked rib, the damage all confined to the area immediately behind her right foreleg, midway down from her back. Breathing hurts now but it is a necessary pain and she revels in the sharpness of each gasping breath. The pain did not stop her from her retaliatory bite but it causes a momentary hesitation as her teeth close on Virgil's right forelimb, and in that hesitation she sees danger.

She attempts to slam her injured right paw back down, aiming for Virgil's own right forepaw but uncaring if it lands on it and she seeks to pivot her body around her forelegs. The pain shrieks through her body in a fit of nausea as she tries to reorient herself to face Virgil, her hips bunching under her to round her back. Her jaws leave Virgil's foreleg, she tucks her muzzle to her chest and she attempts to slam the top of her head and neck forward and up, trying to force her scruff partway down the top of her neck with its thick folds of skin and fat and fur into those attacking jaws instead, trying to force them wider and wider with her momentum pressing her upward into them. (counter, damage pending) Simultaneously, she twists her head so her muzzle points to her left, and her bared fangs seek to clench at the Olympian's throat where neck and jaw meet and the blood runs nearest the surface. Her lower jaw on Virgil's right, her upper muzzle on the left, her intent is to grip and squeeze, wanting the teeth to puncture the veins running just behind the jaw, and the pressure to cut off breath and consciousness.


Round 3/3