
dinosaurs with guns



2 Years
11-04-2014, 07:14 PM

The ghost had found a new place to haunt, wandering through the crypt for days at a time, simply trying to build a map of the place in her head. It was interesting, and consumed so much time and energy she need not think about much else. Which was a good thing, as her mind was all over the place. She missed the presence of Ullr, and so far had discovered no one else who matched his caliber in her mind. It was disappointing, but she didn't need others to satisfy her need for company. Ignoring it was just as easy. Who needed company? Not her. Nope. Her powerful paws were trained now, soundless across the cool stone that made up the floor of the crypt. In some places, the ground turned to sand, and it was not nearly as easy for the charcoal spined warrior to move through the labyrinth of stone. Her glacier blue optics seemed to hold the faintest glow in this shadow filled maze beneath the earth, her alabaster pelt standing out against the darkness that reigned here.
Her feet were beginning to tire, and she didn't feel the need to make her way back out of here just yet. A meal could wait, but for now, a nice nap would do just fine. With a slow, contented sigh, the gladatrix cleared pebbles from the spot where she stood. It wasn't like anyone else was about to be coming down here any time soon, right? Curling up, she tucked her obsidian plume over her nose and shut her eyes. Rest was all she needed right now. Her mind was at peace, a rarity in recent days. It was time to sleep while she could actually manage to still the gears of her mind, or at least slow them to a bearable pace.

OOC: sorry it's so craptastic, I promise her next post will be better!
