



05-21-2013, 01:40 PM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


"Crazies are the best, didn't you know?" Crusade said at once in reply to Insomnia's coy reply. "Why if I had a bone for every time I was called such, I could build a whole a moose." There. Banter. It was a nice change to tears. An unlike some, who felt hollow when trying to move on from mourning, it made Crusade feel better. She could do nothing without sincerity, so if she wished to act untroubled, she had to push those troubles aside.

And here was a kind, young fae to help her. What more could she ask for?

"Besides," Crusade added, "It's the crazy ones who I prefer in a fight. One never knows when a bit of bear-climbing is in order." No, no. she couldn't resist it. To Crusade, that had been Isomnia's crowning moment. Though in all that had been happening, the moment had to be overlooked, when the pale Timber cross thought of this packmate of hers, she thought of that scene. It was then that Insomnia had more than earned her place among the real ranks of Glaciem.

Besides, why not bring it up. Certainly that memory had it's own sorrowed taints, but what part of Crusade's life didn't? Sorting out the good and still appreciating it - that was the skill to master. And she'd become quite good at it, as evidenced by a wry little smile that curled on her muzzle as she thought back to the time.

That was when her dear Cifer had saved her. They'd both received blows from the bear and both seen eachother go down, feeling rage at the right, but then Cifer had caught her... He'd saved her again, and then pulled her up over the cliff and gone on to help her with the wounded like it had been the most natural thing in the world. Not having him with her at this time was hard, but she more than understood what drove him, and to some extent it helped to know that someone was out there looking for vengeance at all times.

Crusade shook herself from her musings and returned to the matter at hand. "But truly, I have been wanting to know how you've fared. What happened to you in the times that you were parted from us? And now that you're back, are you glad for it?" Perhaps it was a story she had already recounted to others but it was a one that had not reached Crusade's ears, and any story, even if it be tinged with some trials of it's own, was a welcome diversion to the present realities.
