
you have the potential

Orchid I


5 Years
11-04-2014, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2014, 07:39 PM by Crucifix.)

Rahini was, put simply the perfect student. She was quite and never made a complaint, she easily did chores when asked and would often collect herbs to bulk up their stores, and the collecting helped with her learning. She didn't like how the other slept outdoors but she didn't ask her why or insist she do others ? she simply understood that it was what Rohini needed. Orchid knew that Rohini was first a hunter and second a healer, but she took to it so well and being the only healer in the pack she was beyond grateful that she easily accepted the position of apprentice and hoped that perhaps Rohini would chose it fully one day, perhaps even take it to a lead position and replace Orchid one day ? certainly she had the knowledge, willingness to learn and sweetness to get here there. She did not, however, have the strength it took to order people around, to take charge and tell a wolf what they needed when they where injured. She hoped seeing an injured wolf would help strength her, show her the importance of taking charge, she hoped Rohini would find her inner strength and knew she would do what she could to help Rohini get there.

However, the stubborn wolves of Solstice, in the more peaceful life lead here where yet to give her the opportunity to see Rohini at work. A part of her was half tempted to chuck someone off a small drop... just to speed things along. Nudging that thought from her mind with a smile she would start assembling her herbs, winter was nearly upon them and there where some things she wanted to collect and dry before it hit them and they would be inaccessible until Spring came upon them again. She stuck her head out her den in search of Rohini, offering the girl a smile. ?Rohini, dear?? she asked.

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