
In My Stronger Moments



5 Years
11-04-2014, 11:28 PM

Raisa could see a startled reverberation work it's way through Katja's slender frame. Have I done it? she wondered idly. It was not the scenario she had come to this land expecting, but the outcome of it all... No, she would not jump to conclusion. Every atom of her being was alight with terrible intensity, coiled like a live wire and waiting... "I can never make up for what I have done to you," she would claim. "I am not like you. There is not good in me." The ashen fae withheld a sneer, a lip curl, a snarl. How could Katja possibly claim... Did she never make sense?!

Raisa shook her head slowly, then with growing intensity, trying to shake the vile lie from her ears less it poison her. It was nothing she wished to deal with, nothing she would suffer. But... she would not argue. They had to move forward, had to progress. Raisa let out a long sigh and slowly pressed her muzzle forward, seeking the side of Katja's neck for a gentle embrace. Foolish woman... Koros watched the entirety of the interaction with awe and fear. What had possessed Raisa that she would act in anger, in fear, in contemplation, caring, sadness... Such turmoil could not be healthy, despite her apparent lapse in muted state. The small fox could not make sense of it, but he dared not interrupt.

What did Raisa want from Katja? ...A loaded question, there was no way around it. Raisa wanted her pack, her family, of which Katja was certainly a member in whatever sense she wished. Mentor for the children, valued companion, friend... But Raisa could not be selfish in this matter. Katja had other responsibilities now, a pack and a life that she had created. Surely she had toiled, had bled for it. "I would have a friend," Raisa said, "And a confidant. A companion that is in no way oath bound to my presence but a true friend. I could never ask you to place my own reparations over the life you've built here, Katja. But perhaps... If I might stay a while?" The tenor of uncertainty was blatant, rampant, and even still she expected Katja to refuse her. Why should Raisa linger, except to remind the woman constantly of her once-burdens, the failures Katja had constructed for herself? Perhaps she should have said nothing at all...

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!