
ever thought of coming down?



4 Years
11-05-2014, 12:09 AM

OOC: Hover over the Yoruban for the english translation <33

The jangle of beads caught her attention more than the scent of the behemoth, who was upwind of her. The sea had it's own wind, and it rolled from the tips of the waves to form a breeze that smelled solely of salt and kelp and brine. The appearance of another was always slightly daunting, but she would manage this. Surely it was one of the wolves of her own tribe- no others wore beads, right? It wasn't going to be scary at all. Her cranium would swing around to focus her amber gaze upon the male who was being so good natured after his appearance. Her smile was soft, delighted to see Shai. It had been a while since she'd seen him, and even longer since she'd spoken to the giant. Had he always been that big? The damsel rose, her smile becoming a pleased grin. " Shai! O n ti kan nigba ti." She laughed, her own ebony tipped banner giving a joyful wag. Kohl rimmed optics glinted as she gazed up at the much larger male. His soul seemed troubled, flickering away behind those whiskey coloured eyes of his. Maybe she would ask him about it later. For now, she just needed to get used to his presence.
Tilting her head up so much to hold the male's gaze would no doubt get exhausting soon, she thought idly to herself. "Bawo ni o ti ṣe wa ?" She asked, rather than dwell on such boring things. She was curious to see what the male had been up to as of late, since she had never been able to keep up with the news of others that always seemed to be spreading like wildfire within the tribe. She was too busy exploring and stargazing.

Dada Shawnee

Mo ti ṣe kan ìfípáda