
Because I Love You



11 Years
11-05-2014, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 02:11 AM by Bane.)
Bane felt it, the smile across Tahlia's muzzle. The pleased voice she playfully mocked him with her nose running through the fur of his cheek, the gentle peck of a kiss as she then withdrew. How he had gotten so lucky as to have her was beyond him, the required factors were something his younger self wouldn't even dream of. To have a solidly built relationship on the basis of trust through the intimacy while in their most vulnerable state while with one another. A broad subject worthy of a few days thought. How he could love. And all Bane would do was think these days, contemplating past actions and the years of his life. He didn't regret any of it, for if it wasn't for his young foolish self he never would've met Tahlia. A female of regal upbringing meeting the marred rogue of a male, the worst kind of pack member in Seracia. But they had both loved and lost. And found kinship in their similar souls. And the path Bane and Tahlia took would always be together, side by side. Either in this life or the next.

His attention returned to his mate and her words, his muzzle reaching out to place itself against her shoulder. "I've had lots of practice." He mumbled. "To." Bane placed a kiss on the side of her neck. "Know." One on her cheek. "Your." Another on the corner of her jaw. "Body." The wolf snaked his head around and firmly pressed the tip of his muzzle against hers. His jaws would part as he tongue would gently intrude, seeking out past Tahlia's lips to graze between her fangs to barely touch the tips of their tongues together. "I know everything about you." Bane could hardly stop teasing his wife ever after they were done. He loved to see her shiver, to hear her rapid breaths. "What gets you going and what you like." The elders shoulder firmly pressed against her own as his muzzle snaked down her throat, pinching the fur as he wooed her. He may have been old, but they had been together for years, and some times, even how he physically was, Bane just couldn?t resist stirring up the fire inside of Tahlia. "What you can't stand." The statement ended with a drawn out and rumbling growl. He knew she liked those.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•