
be my disguise



2 Years
11-05-2014, 02:14 AM

Too big paws would flail in the air as Lian would awaken suddenly. The light from the sun would filter into the den right into his icy blue eyes, causing sleep to leave him. Grumbling he?d flip over, pushing his paws beneath him as he left the earth. Curious features would peak outside the den, his eyes searching his surroundings as he took in everything. It wasn?t often he was not being watched by one parent or another. They seemed so overbearing sometimes, so much so that he wished to scream and yell at them for keeping him so cooped up. He could handle himself, he could take anything that came at him no problem.
Still his small form would refrain from crossing that threshold, he would not step out into the outside world quite yet. Would fear hold him back? No certainly not, but a slight nervousness of the consequences of his actions. Father had never gotten angry at him, but he?d heard him rage at the black bitch he seemed to keep as his own. Lian didn?t think he was allowed near her, Father seemed convinced she caused too much trouble. She didn?t much like him or the rest of their family. Obviously she felt the same overprotectiveness he did.
A sigh would leave his snowy white lips as his haunches fell to the ground. The pale boy would peer out, invisibly restrained to where he stood. Ink tipped ears would swivel as he sought out the sounds beyond his den, his little nose would twitch as he took in the scents around him, and oddly his tail would thump pleasedly behind him as he became content to watch.
