
Let the Reign Begin


11-05-2014, 02:16 PM

While Vesta did arrive, her daugher responded to the subject of change differently than Arietta did herself. The brown dame was afraid of change, uncertain how new leadership would affect them all. One thing was sure however, both mother and daughter did not care for change, and the brown fae would drift closer to her child, gently shushing her. ?Give them time, Vesta. They?ll explain what is going on soon enough.? As the smaller woman would assure her daughter soon the meeting would begin, questions soon enough answered.

So this woman was a sister-in-law of sorts. Or was she even considered to be connected to the Armada family any longer? Sin was not by her side, though their daughter was still here. All the same... Arietta felt almost as if she didn?t belong in this pack of Armada blood. Not that she would leave, no, her loyalty was here, to where her daughter would be safe, would be able to train and become what she desired. All the same, however, the woman felt disconnected from the others. The only one she felt she could truly connect with was Trica, the other huntress who had joined her not long ago.

The worry came, however, when Roman spoke of the pack, to be renamed to Regium, to be more of a militant pack. Her heart would grow cold, her tail pressing against her back legs. Though she had attended the fight training held between both Bevroren and Isokan, well... Her skills in such areas were by all means lacking. She had so little fighting experience, prone to losing her head just as battle began. Gaze would lower to her paws, fear gnawing at her mind. If... If she was unable to conquer her fear and become a better fighter... Would Roman expel her from the pack?

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione