


11-05-2014, 02:26 PM

It was a move that was far bolder than he had attempted yet in his life. Hypnos had left pack lands, and without a word to his mother at that, deciding to go exploring before the sun rose again. He was growing a bit more independent as he grew, but his loyalty to her was unwavering. The woman had saved his life as a child, the gods leading her to him, and by their will, and her kindness, he was able to live, to grow and get stronger. Then, when his so called biological parent dared speak to him, dared try to say he had not deserved to live, that she should have ensured his death, it was Chryseis who had defended him and put the woman in her place. That day the gods acted in favor of those hurt unjustly... And victory was seized for the underdogs. They had found a home, and Hypnos a deeper respect than ever for the black and gold woman he called Momma since he was little.

If she asked him to, the boy would come face to face with his parents, his own siblings in battle, and tear into their flesh with no second thought or regret. While the truth of his existence plagued him, in other ways it set him free. He found his efforts to keep up training, to prove all of them wrong, to be paying off. Some day he would be great... And he would see his mother on a throne of her own someday. Even if he pried the crown from another.

But for now he had no need to worry of such challenges. He was still learning his skills... And with a rather interesting teacher in Kapra, the beta of Yfir, the boy could only wonder what else he might learn.

The place he found himself in was almost abandoned. The area was dark, almost pitch-black At least outside of this cavern there was moonlight. But then he saw the oddest thing. Light...? The boy would limp on, frowning some. The closer he got the more light there were. Mushrooms... So many strange mushrooms were glowing and casting off the light. That was not all there was in the cavern either. He would blink with surprise, ears lifting as he saw the other pup. She was asleep, her body rising and falling with each breath.

The boy sniffed the air, curious. Huh... She was alone? A bit bolder since it was another like himself, and therefore less likely to end in a problematic manner, Hypnos would come up to her side, nudging her with a paw. ?Uh... Hey... Wake up? Please?? He didn?t really have any friends his age in Yfir... So maybe she could be his friend?

Walk "Talk" Think