
Sing to me, Jailbird


11-05-2014, 07:43 PM

His face would go blank, carefully so. And his words matched. A slow smile would lift her lips. So he was indeed a son of Taurig. It seemed that her brother was quite the ladies man at one point. "Taurig is my older brother, which makes you my nephew." What a small world it was. She still couldn't lt believe that her brother had actually procreated with Cataleya, of all the wolves in this place. He did little more than nod in acknowledgement to her last statement, she wouldn't push it, she knew that any sort of conversation with her could cause trouble for him, and that was the last thing she wanted, especially since he was her nephew. Plus, getting to know him was far more important in that moment. "Do you have any other siblings?" Her crown would tip to the side with curiosity. Did she have any other nieces or nephews? Or was he an only child? Briefly she would recall his fight and victory against the pale girl. It came as no surprise that he was victorious, she doubted his mother would birth anything less.

"Burn Baby Burn"