
Something I'm used to


05-21-2013, 03:35 PM

It was another loveless night, another lonely, cold blistering night. Odin had laid down on the edge of the pack den. He knew if he was close to all the other wolves of Glaciem, he would end up waking up someone and maybe upsetting them. So every night he would lay on the edge of the cave, making sure he was in Gargoyle's view.

It was Autumn, The snow was back in Glaciem but it only flurried just a bit onto the few inches of snow left from the other day. Odin opened his eyes knowing trying to sleep was a waste of his energy, his time. There was no point in even trying anymore. So they grey molted male stood on his paws, looking back at the pack to make sure all were sleeping before walking out into the mounds of snow.

He dug his nose into the snow to try and sense anything foreign to him, but there was nothing. So he stared to hop through the snow carelessly before slowing back down and walking into the trees. The moon let off his shadow and let it blend in with the trees to hide him from the others and keep him safe from predators.

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