
you have the potential



2 Years
11-05-2014, 10:13 PM

She was settling just fine here within the pack. Orchid seemed pleased to have her around, proving to the older woman that she could be useful. She rather enjoyed actually doing chores, collecting herbs and learning. Unlike her passed experience within a pack, she was actually doing something. She was contributing the best she could. It made her less harsh on herself, being able to actually help out. To feel of some importance, to have a task. She would be lying if she said she wasn't growing fond of Orchid. At first she had thought she would be harsh, unwilling to have her there, cast her off and see as nothing more than a pest. But it had been completely the opposite. Rohini still chose to sleep under the night sky, no matter the weather. Her body was hardened to the elements but winter coming brought only dark thoughts. Winter was the season she had lost everything. She dreaded it, the cold months, the snow, the loneliness. Perhaps she would stay the winter in the den? She'd be damned if she lost everything she was gaining here within the pack. It made her want to be closer to Orchid, as if she was afraid to lose sight of the white woman.

With winter approaching she kept busy collecting herbs, counting their stocks and secretly reinforcing Orchid's den for warmth. She often did it when the other was asleep or not around. Her paws making quick and silent work. And honestly she took pride it, so far thinking Orchid was unaware of it. Soon she'd go and line the nests with soft feathers, a personal touch. Speaking of feathers, she was carrying back a pheasant back for Orchid. She could use these feathers of wait till she caught another bird. She wanted the right feathers for Orchid. But first she'd at least bring back a meal for the other. She had just reached the den when Orchid called for her. Smiling she set the bird down, jaws parting to speak but a wail froze her.

Bright green orbs looked at Orchid in alarm for a split second before she turned and sprinted off towards the caller. Her swift legs would bring her to the sight of a pup crying, running in pain, in a matter on seconds. One look and Rohini felt pity for the little guy. She ran over, in an attempt to block the pup, curling her body around the little thing carefully. "Easy there little one...Looks like the porcupine got the better of you. Nasty creatures.." She said softly, trying to soothe the young boy. All the while her eyes examined the quills. She had seen wolves with quills before, but not this many. And what worried her the most were the ones actually in his mouth. She would look around for Orchid looking for instructions.
