
Wink Murder


11-06-2014, 12:06 AM

She was about to obnoxiously break into her new charges den and harass her, play bowing before Mercy's den with butt high in the air and massive tail arched over her back. Hips would swing languidly as she shuffled forward a bit more as a grin would spread over her lips. That was when something distracted her, a howl that lazily slithered through the air causing her skull to tip and big ears to perk. A pack meeting? She had only ever been to one before, one in the bloody red queen's kingdom and now there was another. How exciting! Tail would begin to wave as she hopped forward, barking excitedly for Mercy. "Up! Up! The bear king calls!" Dione would squeal, wiggling excitedly as she hopped towards the den, barked then turned. She would wait for the giant of a child to emerge before she would wheel with a squeal and bolt off towards the king, towards her king. How strange a thing? Lawls. Smile would split across her features as she sprinted towards the meeting with a strange excitement. Though as she bounded over a knoll and spotted Valen atop another she would slow to a leggy trot, long legs straightening and flicking at an odd pace as neck arched and she made her way toward the pair that sat there. Such a small pack, such a change from the last pack meeting she had attended. But she kinda liked this more. A grin would be tossed over her shoulder at Mercy before plunking her butt down a short ways away from Levi (who's name she still didn't know and still didn't care to know) and turning her attention to Valentine to see what he had to say.