
the hag of the swamp


11-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Fear or thrill? She wasn?t really sure what she was feeling, all she knew was that her heart was hammering so loud she could almost not hear her own shrieks. She knew it was exhilarating, and damn later on she would look back and realize how much fun it was and want to do it like a billion more times. He would step towards her and she would force a smile, though most of her focus was on trying to slow her heart beat. He would taunt her, telling her to always expect the unexpected and after a moment she would snort, shaking herself out indignantly and sending a spatter of mud at him. Dick. ?Ha. Ha.? She would say the words rather then laugh as if mocking him though already the realization was beginning to dawn on her. Hot damn. That had been fun. He would promise to make it up to her, saying it was fun and a sly smile would slither across her lips as she turned it towards him. Yes. Fun. But now she got a favor out of it too? Uh. Yes! His massive paw would push into her shoulder and she would pretend his shoved much harder then it really was a flail useless to the side only to land in the muck again. ?My mom was but my dad was normal sized. Not as big as you. Freaking giant? But you know. Normal?? She said, lifting herself into a seated position before lifting herself into her bunny seated position, one paw curling into her chest and other paw lifting to indicate the vague height she remembered her dad being. ?Were both your parents giants?? She half asked and half accused as she dropped back so her forepaws were on the ground and her head tipped, peering at him scrupulously.

"Talk here."