
Ryder, Maverick Noah


11-06-2014, 03:28 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Outcast
How did you get here?: affiliates
Age: Twenty Two

Character's Name: Maverick
Age: Four
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: Thirty six
Appearance Description: Husky, strong, muscular toned, with about average to high agility. Maverick keeps himself in top physical condition the best he can. This male is rather tall and about average for his weight. This canine has long powerful legs that hold his muscular core with a strong jaws and powerful bite. Although he does not have the stocky and short build like a traditional grey wolf has, he does have a, some what, thick toned built to him. Being a mix breed, Maverick hold a slimmer and almost leaner body underneath his pelt. His pelt has three main colors. An ebony jet black that claims his head, part of his fore cheat, reaches to this withers, and claims the tips of his paws front and back. A rich golden yellow covers the rest of his body. The only exceptions would be the creamy off white undertones that claims under neath his belly, underneath his tail, and legs. Scars are something else on Maverick that is easily noticed and hard to miss unless one was blind. Although this wolf has scars all over that range in size and intensity, the more prominent scars are on his face, left shoulder, and right back. The males eyes are a warm orange color that can be very cold and solid when angered. Maverick is not a neat freak when it comes to keeping himself clean, but the canine does keep himself decently clean when he notices his coat is dirty or has a dingy smell. A male has to look good for the ladies.
Calling: Lionheart
Proof of Purchases: none.

*** maverick was taken so i did first and last name as my username ***