
you have the potential

Orchid I


5 Years
11-06-2014, 08:30 PM

Just as she called Rohini to her, a cry would ring out across Solstice territory. It seems Orchid would get her wish, not that she could ever be happy to see a pup in pain. All business like she ensured her herb leaf-bag was about her neck before she followed after Rohini, who had already taken off in answer to the cry. Smiling at her students enthusiasm, and this stone proof that Rohini could not ignore a cry of help she made her way after her student. If she knew Rohini's mind she would be beyond flattered at how the girl considered her, already Rohini was the main wolf in the pack that the old healer interacted with, and her company and having someone to teach was all Orchid really needed in her life. She still wished that she could do more for the girl, show her that the world wouldn't hurt her if she embraced it, but the only way she knew to do that was to let the girl prove her skills in healing and let that develop her strength as it had Orchid herself.

She arrived at the scene a few steps behind and already Rohini was there with the child, holding her down. ?Alright boy, settle down so we can clean you up? she berated in a gentle voice as she sat down before Rohini and the pup and pulled her leaf bag to the ground before them. She would herself pull out Meadowsweet first, it was a more gentle pain relief,and she wouldn't want to give the growing pup anything to strong. she placed it very gently on his mouth, careful not to disturb any of the quills. "get this down, it will calm you" she promised him, before turning to Rohini ?I'm going to start pulling the quills out, can you grab what herbs you think we will need from the bag?? she asked Rohini, she wanted to see if the girl knew what she was doing, she would do her part but would not step on Rohini's toes unless the other girl needed her, lets see how her memory and herb collecting paid off here.