
--the way i die.


11-06-2014, 09:15 PM

The child quivered in fear, so much was happening that he couldn't even comprehend. But her attention wasn't on the child, it was on the woman before. Kylar would come to stand beside her, ushering a soft command the their commoner. It came as no surprise that he had followed her here, he followed he everywhere, always lurking within the shadows. Her little commoner would keep the child warm, spilling some words in another language, but she could assume they were some sort of taunt. Her coral gaze rested on the Solstice wolf, watching as realization dawned on the older woman's features. She knew she was outnumbers, vulnerable, weak. But she had to give the woman some credit as she stood firm, openly declaring the pup as a member of Solstice. Her silver would crown shake back and forth, tsking softly. Did she not know that the Queen of Solstice had rested as a prisoner with her borders? Did she not know that the silver woman had no mercy for what she would do?

"Solstice is hardly in the position to be claiming anything, dear, with their Queen still recovering." Lips twisted into a sneer, her crown lifting above her shoulders. She would take a step forward in an attempt to stand between the two woman and her commoner. Her gaze would flicker back and forth between the tiny green woman and the Solstice wolf."Now, either all of you are coming home with me, or just the kid is." Her gaze would flicker back and forth between the two women. The tiny green woman seemed to have some sense. Her crown would lower and she'd distance herself from the Solstice woman. Smart girl. Though she trusted that Kylar could handle her should she decide to get bold. Her defenses immediately settled into place: her eyes narrowed, ears pinning, hackles raising, her crown lowering to align with her spine, chin tucking against her throat. Shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed and her claws dug into the earth. Lastly her tail would align with her spine, straightening to acting as a rudder and her weight distributed evenly across all four limbs.

The prospect of a fight had adrenaline rushing her system, her heart pounding against her chest. But the prospect of claiming yet another Solstice wolf made it all more exciting. Her coral gaze rested easily on the pale woman's face, studying her closely. No one would be going home unscathed today, again she would spill blood, stain the earth with her supremacy. Lips began to curl back into a snarl, ivory daggers dancing in the sunlight. Power rippled across her pelt. She had no use for a pup, nor did she care to acquire one, but there was no way she would allow such a vulnerable life to fall into the waiting arms of Solstice.


"Burn Baby Burn"