
I Could Stop Time

Requiem I


2 Years
11-06-2014, 10:58 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of the two, the golden-eyed female appeared to be the more knowledgeable of the pair regarding the differences that separated them. Requiem was clueless after living in the bubble he was so accustomed to, the one that had recently popped with his revelations about the woman he had respected as a religious figure. Should he not have been surprised then to find this wolf here whose words were nothing but sounds and noises without meaning? Did...did he say something wrong as well? The nervous look about her was not at all reassuring, and his anxious stomach clenched slightly at the thought.

When she spoke again it was not with strange words. What she said Requiem could and did understand, though he was greatly surprised by it. She did not speak the same way that he or those he had met previously did, as if she did not know how to form the phrases and sentences that he had been composing since he was a child. She struggled, and yet she made sense, apologizing to him as she got to her paws and shook her head with a sternness he did not altogether comprehend. Tribe tongue? Without a clue what she meant, Requiem felt safe agreeing. How could he know it if he could not discern what it was?

The moment she began to drift closer to him, her steps slow and cautious and her pale brown eyes curious, the brown yearling felt nervous again. Here he was in a strange and foreign place, joined by a strange and foreign wolf, and there was no way of knowing if any other wolves lurked about too. As if to spy them before they could surprise him, Req cast his teal-green gaze away from Imala and out into the trees on either side of her, searching for wolfish forms in the shadows but finding none. Maybe they were truly alone then...

Now closer, the yearling girl addressed him again and his eyes shifted back toward her, feeling one ear splay and the other perk as he tried to figure out how to answer her odd question. Far land? He supposed she meant his home across the bridge, his family back in Sawtooth. "Uhh...I think so," he stated with a lack of certainty, taking a moment before he clarified, "I traveled a long way to get here...if that's what you mean." Gosh, compared to what she had been saying, Requiem felt like he was speaking too much. Would the meaning behind his long-winded phrases still make sense? Mirroring her worry of a possible miscommunication, he felt incredibly unsure.