
Addicted to the things you do between the sheets


11-07-2014, 01:48 PM

He would only grunt after surveying her, finding that nothing else was majorly wrong with her. The moment he felt her teeth, his head would snap back, but it was too late, her fangs connected the tender skin of his upper lip. His blood danced across her tongue bringing a twisted grin to her features. His lips curled back in an angry snarl, he was obviously not happy with her little attack. He would recoil, and for a moment she thought he was going to leave, but she should have known better. He would launch himself forward, his chest colliding with her left shoulder. She couldn't contain the flinch as the collision jostled the strain muscles and struck the moderate bruise. An angry snarl would burst free from her lips as his fangs sank into her scruff, just above her shoulder. Her crown would immediately drop, aiming to grab a hold of his left ankle as his right leg cam down across her back. With a jerk of her head, she would either miss or hopefully pull his leg out from under him. Pain radiated across her body, but the adrenaline that rushed her system was overpowering any pain she felt. His body heat washed over her as he kept close, pressed against him. Her hackles bristled, growls leaving her throat as she tried to support his weight on three legs.

"Burn Baby Burn"