
♕ long live the king


11-07-2014, 02:34 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? after multiple failed pairings with artemis, i've resorted to having art become impregnated by an npc male { as approved by nyx }. however, since using an npc does go around the rule of both parents getting to fifty posts, there will only be one pup whose rogue pup pass i will be paying for -- a male. being the only child of the litter, art will undoubtedly attempt to bring him up as a ruthless warrior and encourage thoughts of kingship as he develops. originally, i was going to play him, but i decided i cannot play a male character and i wanted art's first { and potentially only } child to be a male. therefore, since he was already designed by me, there is no freedom when it comes to his design, though he does have two tables already: this one, and another found here.

he will bear the elysius surname and most likely grow up with only art and maybe fiamette, potentially as a prince if i find the motivation to have art challenge and win said challenge. the only thing i require is activity; if you adopt him and fail to keep him active, i will place him up for readoption { with prior warning }, because i'd really love to see him played! so if you're interested in playing the little bugger, just fill out the app below and i will be deciding { if there's any interest at all lol } closer to the due date. i intend to have art conceive as soon as winter starts, so this kid will be born in a bit over a month.

name -- lucius, vulcan, odysseus, or octavian elysius

alignment -- anywhere from neutral to chaotic evil

appearance description -- adult build please, including height. anywhere above 34 inches is ideal! click for design

personality description --