
♕ long live the king


11-07-2014, 02:46 PM
Let the bodies hit the floor

Skin against skin blood and bone

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Appearance: He stands magnificently, towering over others at 40 inches tall. he is built for raw power, thick muscles coiling his body from head to toe. He is an unstoppable force weighing 195 pounds. Massive paws stabilize thick limbs that uphold broad shoulders and tapered hips. His wide barrel of a chest is wrapped in carefully trained muscle, hardened by a life of nothing but merciless lessons. His pelt is black as night, contrasting sharply with the ivory being of his mother. Beginning at the joints of all four limbs {and tail} ebony fades away until paws are a pristine white. Triangular audits are perfectly placed, each outlined in a decadent silvery grey, accentuating the sloping curves. Eyes are deeply set in his masculinely carved face and they are pools of liquid silver that act as gateways to his soul. If he had a soul of course?..

Personality: Birthed on the foundation of blood and war, his childhood was tainted, destroyed at the vicious jaws of his mother. Built up from a blank slate he was taught the art of war, to take no prisoners and to drink from the fountain of ambition. He thirsts for a throne, to command armies, and to destroy nations. He will stop at nothing until he does his surname proud and sits above the rest. With the ministrations of his mother, there are few that he sees as equals, and even fewer that he respects. He is a strong believer in revenge. Those who dishonor him or his family names deserve a punishment of the worst kind, after all, his mother had taught him that family was important. Nothing stops him from speaking his mind, he has little regard for others feelings or wellbeing, his own wellbeing is his number one priority. He is an arrogant bastard who believes that his bloodline is the strongest and most worthy to continue and should continue only through the mixing of equally strong blood. With plans to follow in his mothers footsteps, there is no doubt in his mind that he will excel in battle,and remain undefeated, which would only increase the size of his ego. He will, without hesitation, throw you under the bus if it suits him. There is only one wolf which he is loyal, his mother, anyone else he comes across is merely a pawn in his plan. Unlike that of his mother, sex oozes from his pours. He has just the right balance of sex appeal and charm to get him into any girls pants {which is all part of his plan}. It baffles his intelligent mind that a dashing smile and irresistible physique are all he needs to disarm a woman and bend her to his will. Despite his brutal nature, and callus upbringing, he does have a minuscule soft spot for his mother, who he holds dear and would do anything for.

I will be paying for his height.

You're all by yourself but you're not aloneOdysseus Elysius