
Deadman's errands


11-08-2014, 05:13 PM

Kau would blink as the boy would begin to raise his voice, calling him out on his lies. He would blink, seeing the smile still on his face. The boy was a bit mentally unsound it seemed, however, at the same time... It seemed to be beneficial to him. The young man would allow a smirk to flick over his face. Despite knowing... The boy was willing to submit and show affection. That... Struck at Kau in a unique way. Had he been a cat he might have even purred with satisfaction, letting his muzzle lower and brush across the boy?s shoulder.

?You?re much smarter than you let on, aren?t you, Nia?? His voice was a coo, not mocking at all. ?Some of that was indeed a lie, and other parts stretches of the truth. Yet... You?re able to read it, hmm?? His single remaining eye was was gleaming with delight.

?So... I will do something that I?ve only done for one other, my former mate... A promise and an offer, should you keep up your willingness to follow me. A willing companion and follower is so much more pleasant than one that is forced to obey.? Those words were not a lie at all. While he had little issue in pushing his dominance if needed he wanted someone he didn?t have that necessary to do. Someone to hold... To protect. Kau would stay close, breathing in Nia?s scent.

?If you stay with me, be loyal... I will protect you. I will shred those who try to hurt you. But you must listen to me... You must be willing to follow where I go. I will not force you to listen, because if you decide to leave it will be on you. But at that point I will no longer protect you. I will ignore your existence completely.? His gaze hardened some. ?I lost my mate... And I am tired of being alone. But if the one who follows isn?t willingly obedient... The bond is pointless.? The last bit of words were more to himself, though if Nia heard as well there was no great consequence.