
need your love


11-08-2014, 07:45 PM

Pregnant. She had only been informed of it about a week ago---and yet, almost everyone knew about it. Including Bass' family members. Rhythm...Harmony, Motif...who else? She couldn't doubt that Destruction wolves from other packs heard, as well! But those who knew didn't exactly bother Wren now. It was the effects that this pregnancy brought, and the crap ton of thinking! She wasn't in season when she had returned home with Bass! And even so, she was sitting here, clearly pregnant and in a bad mood. Why? What had caused such a confusing situation?! It had come to Wren's attention that Motif was pregnant as well. Weird things were happening, weird things. Either way, she didn't want pups now. Especially when she was still partially weak. Birthing them...raising'll all be too much! Wren released a low, guttural growl, when suddenly a soft and slightly familiar voice kissed her ears. She instantly found her paws, hackles raised and minty gaze burning. "Who is there?!" The pregnant dame shuffled about and continued to glare toward the entrance of the den...until that familiar face was seen. Wren instantly stopped and sucked in breath.
"Oh...Rhythm." She huffed and took a moment to recover from her sudden panic. Then, crawled out of the den uneasily and sat down beside the chocolate dame. "I'm sorry...I guess I'm a little stressed out." She hummed simply, voice nervous. She moved her tail over her cold paws as a gentle breeze stirred her messy fur and caused her to shiver lightly. But it was ignored. Wren, letting out another weak sigh, turned to the girl and smiled. "Bass isn't here at the moment...but if need anything, I'd be happy to hel--" She choked and shook her head. "Ahh...I mean, I'll be sure to tell him you came by." With her pregnancy and her already recovering state, she wouldn't be able to do much of anything to help. And she didn't exactly see why Rhythm would visit just to see her. After all, they didn't know each other at all. Only that one time when Motif called them to assist with the clean up...