
The World Ahead



11-08-2014, 08:24 PM

She was starting to feel better after all that had happened. Sure Rune was a bit cold, but he was definitely a lot better than those low life's she had grown up with. She was thankful that Warja had treated her wounds, which were getting better. Very very soon she would be able to stop being useless and put herself to work. This place wasn't entirely her family, she only owed Rune and Warja but that was that. Emma had a hard time coming to terms with caring for others after what had happened after all but she saw the female with another male it seemed making her perk her ears.
She seemed, busy though, part of her didn't want to disturb them. She probably wasn't welcome here. She wouldn't last like she didn't last in Abaven. Being in a pack was something she feared because of her quick hot temper seemed to get her in trouble. Though, she still needed to thank Warja and give her a proper apology, a Hutashi's honor.
Her body moved forward, cyan eyes carefully looking over the male before looking at the girl. "Warja." she said a bit softly. "I never got to thank you fully for what you've done for me, Thank you, and I'm sorry for getting myself into the situation in the first place." she said settling in on her haunches, then looking in the direction she had been looking. "What were you looking at?" she whispered narrowed her eyes a bit confused.
