
I could say the Right way

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-09-2014, 01:22 AM

The male's words stunned her, forcing her down from her anger. Her snarl left her lips as fast as it had come and her fur tamed as she too backed away, stumbling on her own feet before falling backwards, letting out a soft chuckle of embarrassment before picking herself back up. Her eyes flashed with shock, surprised at herself for causing his reaction, surprised at his words, and surprised at her own mood swings that caused her to almost have whiplash. What was up with this wolf. She sat back on her haunches, all anger erased from her features as she stared at the male. He seemed almost scared of her, though it wasn't fully there. Why had she scared him? She was probably half of his size and was fairly thin. And the way he spoke to her confused her. How could someone with no emotion, understand so much about it, even if he didn't understand how much he angered her by his little slips of the tongue. "Why are you telling me this? If you don't care for anyone than why try to warn me. I know I am too easy, you could have easily taken me. I trust to fully, you could have easily convinced me. And yet you don't, instead you warn me of those people. If you are only looking out for yourself, why try to protect me?" she questioned, emotion filling her voice as she spoke. His words had hit her, hard. She needed to know why he was trying to protect her, why he himself hadn't taken her when he had seen the opportunity. Why he cared.
