
Make Me Blush



5 Years
11-09-2014, 10:55 AM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar was hard at work, tracking the movements of the elk that roamed the valley as well as those of the bison. The nip of winter was in the air but it only filled her with excitement. Winter was the season of the wolf as well as her birth season and the dark-colored femme was more than ready for its return. Snow also made for interesting hunting conditions, often favoring wolves as long as the prey didn't fall to scarce or move out of the area. It also made a lot of noise and now that they had a healer D?gmar decided she might even be willing to let the blind wolf participate in the take down of prey.

Pausing briefly she shook out her coat, it was growing in long and surprisingly luxurious for a warrior such as herself. Trotting back to the dens she ran across Freyja. The lovely woman seemed to be limbering up. Oh? training? D?gmar grinned. She needed to unleash some of the tension she felt. It'd been coiling up in her all autumn long. "Looking to train Freyja?" D?gmar began to stretch, rolling her shoulders lazily forward and back. "I'll be honest, I could really use a brawl right now and as I've secured a healer there's no need to worry about that pretty visage of yours getting to badly shredded, mm?" The emerald-eyed woman chuckled as she faced off against Freyja, moving to stand directly across from her to make it clear that this spar was not an option.

Mottled crown descended as her skull aligned with her spine quickly followed by her tail. Emerald eyes narrowed hungrily at her target as her ears pinned tightly against her head. Ebony limbs spread evenly apart, equally distributing her weight among them. D?gmar's legs bent, muscles coiling as she lowered her center of gravity. Abdomen tensed as her snow-bitten toes splayed against the humming earth, claws biting into the soil. Lithe shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as fur and flesh rolled over her vitals. Hackles rose, lacing down her back like thorns as her chin tucked, hungry jaws parting in a snarl.

Steely limbs uncoiled launching her toward Freyja. D?gmar's body shifted to her own right as she attempted to approach Freyja at a 20? angle. Limbs lowered further as her head twisted to her own right forming a diagonal as her maw hoped to latch around Freyja's left forelimb right in the center between the elbow and wrist, with her lower jaw seeking to collide with the front of the foreleg and her upper jaw against the back. D?gmar hoped to gain a crushing grip. The bones of the forelimbs were thinner and weaker and she sought to crush them in her jaws, to cripple her opponent and put the healer's skills to the test.

As she moved her weight shifted evenly to her back legs and right forelimb as she raised her left forepaw off the ground seeking to slam it down on the toes of Freyja's left forepaw with the intent of breaking the toes of the pallid queen.

D?gmar vs Freyja

For Spar

Round: 1 of ?

ooc: Here we go! <3 Please let me know if you want the violence toned back. D?gmar is inherently a vicious fighter but she will tone it back to match Freyja's.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]