
And You're Gonna Hear Me Roar

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
11-09-2014, 02:01 PM

Sk?lingr took in the other males scent as well as his name. Mulling them over as he did so. "A pleasure, Ronon." They were certainly interesting little beasts and showed a varied range of build amongst the felines. The smallest cat had not been in the terra long. Sk?'s ears perked at this. Ahh? well that was good in a way, it meant that there were cats moving into the air and perhaps there would be more to follow. Maybe even another tiger.

His attention turned to Kathleen who had resided within Alacritis for a year though mostly in the mountains which would explain why he hadn't run into her before despite his wanderings. Indeed she seemed like a mountain cat, lithe and long but low to the ground and strong. Her lovely spotted coat was thick, even thicker than his own. Ronon seemed to be more of a forest dweller but he couldn't quite be sure just by looking at the smaller cat. Often the smaller species were more adaptable and could be found in a number of terras.

Sk?lingr rested his focus on Kathleen and her question. He smiled and nodded. "I am a tiger, miss Kathleen. A Siberian tiger." A shift in the wind brought the great cats attention to the gray skies above him and the clouds rolling in on a cooler breeze. He stared for just a moment before looking over at Ronon.