
Make Me Blush



3 Years
11-10-2014, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 12:36 PM by Freyja.)

Daegmar would appear like a wraith; quiet, graceful and malicious. As soon as she would speak Freyja turned to catch her gaze and found a fire there awaiting her. Slowly, she would smile and turn to square their forms as she absorbed the dark woman's words. "Daegmar," she gave by way of polite greeting. "Just the woman I was looking for." Words would be shared, mention of a healer and all that nonsense which the golden empress couldn't care less about. What was there to life beyond the sweet manipulation of sinew, of grasping jaws and strained muscles. Freyja let her long forelimbs slide out before her, spine curving into a stretch as her body elongated, each muscle unfurling. "Hmm," she purred as she rose, "Sounds good to me." She rolled her shoulders once more, and took a step back.

Each limb was laid carefully against the ground, each toe flexing to bury her claws in the earth below. Her spine would align with muzzle and tail as she gently lowered her weight, finding the sweet spot that was her center of gravity. Each limb was poised, tightened, eager to respond. Her ears would pin and her eyes narrow, small precautions but worthy of her attention nonetheless. Slowly she would allow her tail to sweep from side to side, shifting her weight ever so minutely, waiting for a charge. Jaws would loosen, part, eager to latch on to the first bit of flesh proffered to the golden demon. Abdominal muscles tightened, bracing...

And then Daegmar was on her. With a euphoric snarl Freyja lunges forward, throwing forth her left shoulder to meet the oncoming assault, hoping that sensitive snout colliding with hard muscle would prove to daze her opponent. A reckless action and she knows it, proved true by the searing pain that lances from her sternum across the meat of her shoulder, tapering off just before her elbow as Daegmar's fangs find a different purchase, yet rend her skin all the same. It is a substantial wound, but the pain only serves to excite her. Freyja's forward movement has displaced her limbs from their origin, now resting with left forelimb between Daegmar's front paws and her right forelimb resting between Daegmar's left limb and empty space. In her haste the woman does not notice any attempt was made to crush her delicate paw.

Now she sees her opponents scruff laid out before her, below and to the left of her own grasping jaws. Freyja cranes her neck to the left, shifting her body as she does so. Hind limbs will pivot a step to the right, orbiting her front, moving away from Daegmar's dangerous fangs. Jaws will dart downwards, attempting to seize the mottled scruff just below the woman's ears, hoping to gain a suffocating grip. She shifts her weight ever so slightly to the left, ignoring the pain that sears through her shoulder. The golden woman flings her right forelimb up in hopes to find purchase below the woman's shoulders, to hold her, to cast her own weight upon Daegmar's own limbs.

"Talk" "You" Think

FREYJA vs. D?gmar for

ROUND 1 of 2

ATTACKS: Attempt to grab D?gmar's scruff below the ears, hold and suffocate. Attempt to gain upwards position by half-mounting her.

DEFENSES: Limbs re-positioned, claws dug in, spine aligned, weight lowered, limbs tightened, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail sweeping for balance, weight shifting for balance, jaws parted.

INJURIES: Moderate gash on her shoulder from sternum to elbow.

NOTES: Good luck Luns! <3