
And You're Gonna Hear Me Roar



6 Years
11-10-2014, 01:18 PM

She would watch the large Jade eyed cat as she waited patiently, or as patiently as she could manage, for him to answer her question. Though she also wanted to know what Ronon was, she still hadn't managed to peel her icy gaze away from Sk?lingr's striped pelt. She couldn't imagine the man living in the snowy landscape she called home, he would starve to death. Ronon however might be able to survive her homeland so long as he didn't stay through the winter months.

At last she would receive an answer. A Siberian Tiger huh? The type of cat he was made her want to call him tiger. Now, considering he was a tiger, she could call him that and get away with it. As Ronon started to speak, Kathleen would tear her gaze away from the tiger and place it upon the other male. A linx and a tiger. Who would have thought she would run into two felines from two completely different landscapes.

Though she didn't know exactly where a tiger was from, she was positive he would never survive a winter in her mountains. Ronon was from the wooded areas and his pelt would most definitely help him hide there but where on earth could Sk?lingr be from. He was too bright for the dark rocks and white snow of a mountain yet she didn't think he could hide in any normal forest either. Again she had to know. "Sk?lingr? I am from the mountains and Ronon is from a wooded landscape so...where is it you are from?"