
i've been hijacked



11-10-2014, 09:46 PM

So, he'd finally found it. The bridge he'd heard so much about. Killian stood stock-still under the glowing moon, staring out over the sands from the edge of the southern side. Smee stood beside him, peering up with inquisitive brown eyes. The marten hadn't spoken of his wishes to his master, but part of him wanted to go back. It was the land he was most familiar with, for one. He also thought that maybe, just maybe, Alessa still wandered there. Smee was certain that if they found her, Killian would be happy again. "Are we going to return?" he asked in his small voice.

Killian looked down to his companion, eyebrows raised. He could hear in his tone the thing he wouldn't say. He wanted to go back to Alacritia. Smee had never seemed satisfied in this place, but Killian knew he'd never tell him that. At least, not as long as the brute was content to remain here. But meeting wolves from the mainland had begun to make him anxious, and apparently the marten was picking up on that. So, should they go back? He wasn't sure. His emotions split two ways. On one side, he wanted to search for the girl he loved, or at least get closure that she was gone and move on. On the other, he wanted to continue avoiding his past there.

He sighed, his eyes closing briefly, before he turned to look up at the stars. "I'm not sure, Smee," he replied quietly. For once, he didn't have his next move planned. He needed a sign, something to finally push him one way or the other.
