
Lets make a scene we wont soon forget

Motif I


4 Years
11-10-2014, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 10:28 PM by Motif I.)

It was true that if the two spoke in the same tongue, if he said to her in way that she understood that he also did not want her to leave then she might not have managed to tear herself away from his grasp. Their entire lives might have turned out differently, she might have tried to find a way to keep both him and the siblings and pack she loved. If she could not, who could say if in the emotions of the moment she might have chosen him over them and lived to regret it. Perhaps it was a good thing that her words went unanswered. She nuzzled closer to his side, she was a petite figure but she was still tall and was accustomed to another towering above her. The sense of his larger frame behind her was comforting and sweet and she grasped that feeling, turning her head to nuzzle into his side and breath in that special aroma of his. It smelled of fluff from his feathers, of fresh grass and growing things, he smiled like a being closer to nature then her or the wolves she knew where.

She wasn't willing to go back to sleep however so she shuffled some more, allowing her face to see into his, an impish smile stole over her expression and she lifted her muzzle to spill out a kiss against the side of his neck, letting her tongue caress his gentle coat for a moment before pulling back and saying. ?Kiss? nodding her head to the spot she had touched. Her light laughter then was filled with trouble as she thought of all the delicious, terrible words she might teach him.
