
a half-finished book (Valentine)



1 Year
11-10-2014, 10:28 PM

The unpleasant frigid temperatures found within the reaches of Northern Alacritis had prompted Aesire to find a change of scenery as she continued to move south. The dappled lady had been slowly nursing herself back up to the confident femme she had been before Rainar had ruined it all. She was never going to let him or her father turned her against her beliefs again and if she ever saw them again, then you could bet there would be a mauling. The lady with the marbled fur of all sorts of shades and hues held her head up high as she marched on. She had been wandering no place in particular, but she was taking extra care to keep away from pack lands. Once, she had gotten close to the lands of a pack only to have to fight for her freedom when a high ranked wolf claimed her to be trespassing. It had been absurd and luckily she had maintained her freedom.

She often took her wandering times to do something productive. It didn't matter what it was, as long as it helped her in some physical, mental, or emotional way. She held her breathe for a second before reflecting upon the events that had thrown her life into complete turmoil. It was foolish of her to run off, yes, but the crime had been left unresolved and her father had not cared that she had almost been forcefully impregnated. The man who was to marry her was no man at all. He was a filthy piece of swine. She hated his guts, but she couldn't find herself to be truly mad at him. She could not honestly say that she hated him either. Part of her wanted to believe that he was just misguided but the kind of sin he had tried to commit, that was a sin from only the darkest of hearts.

[Image: i2EAWJS.png]