
a half-finished book (Valentine)



1 Year
11-10-2014, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 11:36 PM by Aesire.)

Her mind was at peace as she reflected on whether or not she should be mad with her former best friend and her father. She was weighing the pros and cons of each idea but she couldn't find herself at a clear conclusion. There was always that murky cloud of doubt hanging within her head when it came to that particular topic. Her wanderings in both the mental and physical worlds were soon halted with the scent of blood filling the air around her. Aesire's ears perked up as her heart raced ever so faster. She narrowed her eyes as she swiftly moved to find the location of the blood. Perhaps there was a wounded wolf nearby but the femme doubted it because it didn't smell like the blood of a wolf. She slowly moved around the maw towards the water before seeing a man, just one brute, feasting upon a ram. There was no way he had taken that down by himself. What was the catch?

Her gait was slow and steady as she approached the wolf. She made her presence known with a smile and some words. "Quite an impressive takedown, it is a shame I missed it. I would love to know how one brute alone managed to take down the beast." Her inquiry was lightly put as she kept her distance. She couldn't remember how many times wolves got defensive over their prey, especially in the late fall stages when it was so close to winter. The herds would be migrating soon. "I understand it is your kill, but would you mind me joining you on this fine day for this breathtaking sunset?" Her voice was soft and respectful. She had a certain feeling about him. It seemed like he was a proud creature at heart. Perhaps it was the fact that he was smart enough to take down a ram by himself, no matter how injured it had been, or something else, but she felt like he held power.

[Image: i2EAWJS.png]