
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
11-11-2014, 03:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course she received a chuckle. She had suspected when she answered that her simple observation was going to be the wrong one. Obviously there was some bigger picture life lesson that this kind lady intended for her to learn, but she was not quite there to the point where she could understand it yet. But Sakura was patient, even if she did laugh. She was not going to leave her to figure it out all on her own without any hints or clues. She was going to help her understand.

At the prompting from the woman, Anais once again turned her now curious yellow-gold stare on the pond, noting exactly what it was Sakura had observed about it. It was calm. "Yeah," she answered affirmatively, unsure what significance that tiny fact had on anything but the expectant look about her gave away that she was eager to understand and know. Rather than state words, her company lifted her paw and splashed it gently into the water, sending small waves rolling off in ever direction around it.

The look upon Anais's face became more serious, focused within a frown, as she worked to piece together the puzzle of Sakura's message, not offering a response to this prompt but rather awaiting the explanation. It was stated more readily this time, and though it did make sense to the girl she was not altogether convinced it was something she had not known before. Feeling a little disappointed, her voice lower in tone because of it, she asked, "So I'm...not going to know about people right I?" How disconcerting it was to learn that sometimes she was simply going to have to wait it out in order to learn of a stranger's intent.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.