
Because I Love You



7 Years
11-11-2014, 03:32 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rather impishly, Tahlia chuckled. Bane was certainly right; there had been plenty of practice throughout their life together regarding the physical side of their relationship. At times she suspected him to be even more knowledgeable about herself than she was, and it felt as if he was ready to make a point of that now. Her eyes closed indulgently as he kissed her neck, her heart began to quicken unexpectedly as he whispered a kiss to her cheek, and her breath almost caught as he caught the corner of her mouth and treated them both to another intimate kiss.

Drat him. She was supposed to be sated and yet she felt as if he was beginning to lead her back up again, to excite her and make those needs return in full force. Everything that they had just been through would have been for nothing at that point, possible pups or not. Tahlia would still be right where she had started. And yet he did not let up. He continued to tease and torment her, nipping down her throat, growling in that way that she liked best. She could feel herself reacting to him, the shiver, the deeper breaths, the weak sense she was getting in her legs.

He might not have been able to see it but her stare was accusatory as she opened her sightless and seeing eyes to peer his way, though the hint of a smile about her lips softened the expression into something more playful. She leaned a little more against the shoulder he had placed beside her own, still studying him as she remarked in a teasing tone, the effects of his handiwork just starting to take effect in a subtle breathy undertone, "You seem to have gotten your confidence back."