
Unsteady Return


05-22-2013, 11:02 AM

Exploring the lands was always an entertaining prospect, and today she had taken herself towards the Western lands. It hadn?t been her exact intention to stray so close to pack lands, but then again, she had heard great things about Valhalla. Though she wasn?t looking to join the large pack at the current time, had she been questioned as to why she had strayed so close to their borders, she at least had a good explanation. She was curious about Valhalla, and longed to meet some of the wolves, and it was most likely those thoughts that had brought her muttering a list useful herbs under her breath.

?Mulberry leaves for mild infections, Poppy seeds and white willow bark for pain?? Her words were uttered lightly as she paced along the border, being careful to leave a respectful distance between her and the Valhallan lands, so she didn?t provoke conflict. Reflecting on all the training she had been given from Ezra, she fondly remembered Ezra?s teasing about her muttering and how she learned. A light chuckle escaped her jaws, as she walked with easy strides.

Taking a deep breath, she noticed something different in the air, blood. It wasn?t just prey blood, it was wolf blood. Her head raised sharply at the smell, and she took off in an easy lope towards it. Rounding a corner, she saw two wolves, one struggling to walk and a heavily pregnant she wolf. She slowed to a walk and stopped at the edge of the border, looking at them trying to discern if they needed help.

?Hello!? She barked lightly, trying to draw their attention, and not startle them. She stood wagging her tail lightly, her posture relaxed, and not at all offensive. She only wanted to help, it pained her to see a wolf in pain, and if there was anything she could do to help- she?d do it. ?I am healer. I smelled blood? are you okay? Or do you need assistance?? She offered kindly.
