
off with her head


11-11-2014, 03:08 PM

She felt flesh parting beneath jaws, loosening as she tore flesh but she would simply attempt to clamp down harder should her grip loosen, looking to grab muscle as well as flesh. She could feel the opposition, could feel the woman tense and strain to remain in one position. Her opponents limbs would lock into place as Zara attempted to shove her body weight down on the tinier woman. Heat. She felt heat. It took her a moment to realize that the smaller woman?s teeth had sunk into Zara?s chest but there it was, teeth sinking deeply into flesh until they were opposed by bone. There were no tendons or much muscle there, the skin tough and hardened from when Rookshank had gone to town on it. Old wounds helping her now? How ironic?

And then she was lifting, Zara felt the motion almost before it happened, felt the woman shift her weight backwards then attempt to rise up and meet her, her jaws . Zara had a split second of decision before she would attempt to move. She would try and crank her head violently to her left, looking to pull to woman over and rip flesh if she could. At the same time she would attempt to throw herself, flinging her body to her left and attempting to roll herself over onto the ground and drag the smaller woman?s form with her. Flesh would rip as Devya removed her fangs from Zara?s chest, attempting to reposition herself but Zara would not allow it if she could. The woman would again attempt to crank the smaller woman?s head to the left, trying to use her superior weight to drag the woman down and throw her aim off.

The woman would still latch onto the right side of her neck, teeth sinking heavily onto flesh. Upper jaw would find a hook on the middle bone of her spine and lower jaw would sink into flesh below her artery. That was not good. But it would not deter her from her goal. Should she be successful in her attempted death roll all defenses would be thrown out the window as there is no logical way to keep defenses set while free falling.


for death
