
Share the Wealth [pack meeting]

Rune I


5 Years
11-11-2014, 07:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Something within Secretua needed to change. Rune had been conscious of it for the past couple weeks, realizing what he had failed to realize sooner. His manner of ruling the pack, by taking on the brunt of the authority and responsibility himself, had worked at first, but they were expanding too quickly, their numbers growing to the point that he could no longer rule effectively anymore. He was spread too thin, the pack given too much freedom, and he could feel the structural integrity of the place beginning to fracture and break. He needed to do something now, to mend the cracks and bring the pack back together, before worse happened to them all, but it was not something he could do alone. He needed help.

The grey Guardian's large black paws carried him slowly through the Prairie, away from the closed, secretive, and secluded Gulley where the pack denned. Much of the pack's activity had so far been centralized there, but for this meeting he wanted a different atmosphere, something open and free and encouraging of bold, new things. With his frosty gaze scanning left and right as he stopped, Rune hoped that same atmosphere might infect his pack members and give them courage to speak up. He was going to need it for anything to happen this day.

Stopping within the Algoma Prairie, close enough to be seen from the edge of the Fern Gulley but still far enough away to not be affected by its presence, Rune turned his attention to the crowded, overrun dip in the ground. Somewhere within, the pack went about their business, working toward agendas that were solely personal and not aimed at assisting the whole. He needed to change that, to bring them back around to working toward the collective. Tilting his head back, feeling the strain of his healing neck wounds, he howled, a loud, confident summons of the Secretuan wolves. Losses, challenges, and difficulties had distracted him for too long from taking action and fixing the problems he could see arising. Today, however, he intended to change that.

OOC: Secretua's first pack meeting! All pack members are required to post within five days, at which point Rune will reveal the intent behind the meeting. Late comers are allowed, though keep in mind punctuality is going to earn you more respect (which you may want to have during the second round of posts).