



5 Years
11-12-2014, 12:25 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As her parents instructed, Anais stuck close to where her family had taken up residency in the Faller's Fjord. Before she would have rebelled, sneaking away whenever she got the chance, having her grand adventures, and pretending that life here beside the river was completely comfortable and exciting all on its own. It would have been great fun too, keeping that little secret to herself and managing to please both what her parents expected as well as her need for fun.

But too much had changed since then. She was no longer the naive young girl she had been before, the one who had nearly gotten herself claimed and taken away by a male whose forward advances had gone over her head. No, she was familiar with the dangers of the world now, too familiar, and the bubbly, energetic side of her that even she had been most familiar with was quieted by something more fearful, something more cautious, something more real. Her rose colored glasses had finally been pried away, and the world was a much harsher place than she had ever realized.

Which was why she did as her parents asked, though she was plenty old enough to make her own decisions. She stayed within the woods that surrounded the riverside dens her family inhabited, never straying far and keeping her guard up. Anais was still nervous, more so because of the autumn season bringing with it a new sort of predicament that only seemed to make everything worse, but she continued to walk about her new home. Uncharacteristically, her head remained low, her gait careful and slow and lacking any of the usual bounce that she once exuded with excess. Only withing her yellow-gold eyes did a little of her former self shine through, her stare hopeful and longing for things to get better, to feel at least a little like her old self again.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.