
Addicted to the things you do between the sheets


11-12-2014, 12:39 AM

He would bring his leg up just as she moved to strike. He would force his leg into her waiting jaws, splaying them painfully wide. Her head would aim to snap back so that she would try and snap her jaws down on his leg once more, even though he only offered her thick bone rather than his ankle. She felt him shift away from her, his weight rocking back onto his hind legs. With her legs already bent, she aim to shove her shoulder into his chest, hopping to topple him backwards. The movement would undoubtedly tear more of her scruff and only intense the bruise that existed on her shoulder. An angry snarl ripped from her lips, narrowed eyes blazing with rage. Her body ached and screamed for rest. But the adrenaline that rushed her system kept her fighting. Hackles bristled as emotions waged war inside her. His body heat wrapped around her like a vice, demanding for her attention while his fangs dug into her flesh painfully. A twisted sense of lust curled in her belly, steadily spreading through her veins. The world around her fell away, and there was was Kylar. The sound of his breath, the beating of his heart. Her full attention settled on him, nothing would distract her. The pounding of her blood was steady in her ears, the thud of her heart heavy against her chest. It had been far too long. Far too long since they last enjoyed each others bodies as they used to. Since taking this pack things had changed. And she longed for the wait things used to be. Hot, heavy and bloody.

"Burn Baby Burn"