



7 Years
11-12-2014, 01:21 AM

All I need is the rhythm divine

He couldn't remember how he got stuck on this land, or how he got separated from his parents. But the man whined, red coloured ears pinning against his skull as he let out a soft sigh afterwards. On the outside he my look very much like an aged wolf, but it was not like that in his broken mind. To him, he was but a child, very lost in this great big world with very little memory to support him. He was alone in his vast landscape, and didn't know where to begin. His golden eyes scanned the horizon, yellow rims making them look even larger and brighter than they were. Paws picked their way carefully over the unknown terrain, looking for anyone who could assist him. He needed someone to care for him, how was he going to protect himself? He was only a pup! Well, mentally that is.

The feather marked boy slunk low to the ground, fear making his hair stand on end. Silky white tail tucks firmly between his legs, covering his muddy belly. He was pretty much coated in mud from his paws up to his belly, the wet dirt caked all over him. It was really hard to tell what colour he was, the only thing that was dirt free was his tail and his face, as long as the ridge along his back. The top of his feather marking on his forehead was visible, faint dusting of red and blue along the middle, fanning out into a wider state and towards his left ear. Lebrah looked like he had been dipped in mud and then dusted with red and blue fairy dust. He was certainly a sight to see, as well as looking nothing like his actual age.

After a few more steps he saw the form of the female before him, her head down as she walked. A loud yip sounded from the boy's mouth, his tail un-tucking as it began to slowly wag behind him. It seemed to be a surrender flag, begging for some sort of help. Low throaty whines left his lips as he walked closer to her, close to the ground as his tongue licked his mud coated lips. Whining, he looked up at her, his body almost on the ground as he curled up before her. "Ik heb hulp nodig , vreemdeling." He said, not even realizing that the words that left his mouth were not English, but Dutch. It was the one of the many languages that he had learned in his past, the memories that he no longer remembered. To him it sounded just like English to his ears, and Lebrah had no idea that what he had said was something that the woman did not know. So here he was, on the ground before this stranger coated in mud. What a fool he looked like -- what a child.